website hosting | |
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If you already have a website, there is a very good chance that you are paying much too much for your present web-hosting. We don't set out a list of fixed charges here for the simple reason that we DO NOT have fixed charges. Web sites vary tremendously in size, scope, amount of traffic and so on. And we believe that it is only fair to reflect this in the charges. With Crislis you don't pay a high fee for a small site to subsidise someone else paying the same for a huge site. To give you a broad idea if you had no more than a single page or a "holding" page, this would cost you only £15-20.00 p.a.* A site with perhaps a dozen pages and average traffic would cost between £20 and £30 p.a. A web site of about 20 Mb in size (and to give you an idea this one is only 2.5 Mb) with average traffic about £40 per annum and so on. If traffic grew beyond expectations then an additional charge might arise for the extra bandwidth. But even this is minimal - £1 per additional Gb per month or £10 per annum. The key to this is that these charges are only illustrative. The operative word is flexibility to match your needs. We can even offer packages with unlimited size, bandwidth, email etc - and they will still be at affordable and hard to beat prices. We offer both Linux and Windows based servers and operated in a totally secure environment. They have multiple links to the telecom/internet network and we pride ourselves on an absolute minimum of 99.9% uptime. Each hosting package comes with a wide range of extras, including, of course, your own email accounts and a comprehensive control panel and you have our expertise to back you up. Contact us for more information and to discuss your needs. We are sure you will be pleasantly surprised. * All hosting fees payable annually in advance.